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February 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2022

Rochester Sports

Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, February 16th, 2022; 7:30am



Present: Muellner, Behrens, Nelson, Nance, McElroy, Davidson, Wills, Groettum, Macken

Excused: Lester, Oslund, Aagard, Cothern, Gaskell, Kauffman, Tesch, Kappes, Miksch

Unexcused: Widman, Weiss

Staff Present: Funk, Esau, Gibson

Guest: Ihrke

  1. Call to order

Behrens called the meeting to order at 7:32am.

  1. Approval of Minutes

        The Minutes were tabled due to not meeting quorum.

  1. Financials
  • Behrens:
    • General P&L: We have received our first half of funding from the city and the second half comes in July.
    • Event P&L: Volleyball Registrations went through which will eventually be paid out to RYVA. 4223 banquet auctions will be paid out to the Foundation. Becky asked if we had a carry over for the PR Committee from 2021 – Matt explained that we didn’t have the PR Committee budgeted last year and in 2022 its set at $3,000.
    • Balance Sheet: We transferred over $200,000 from the checking into the savings. The Executive Board has discussed what the smartest thing is to do with the reserve money – Matt mentioned we are getting audited next week and will be asking our accountant what would be best.

The Financials were tabled due to not meeting quorum.

  1. Event and Organization Report:
    • Matt: Upcoming events: We will be hosting the RCTC Doom event this weekend. RCYBA boys and girls is coming up – the girl’s weekend is lower again this year sitting around 120 teams. The boy’s weekend is at around 330 teams. Event Summary: shows where we are sitting at as of January for the events – hotel rooms will continue to come in for these. We lost the Clash Wrestling tournament and with that a few more have followed behind them. As or right now they will not come back to RCTC though they do want to come back to Rochester. Unfortunately, the Civic Center layout does not work well for their format. Currently they are waiting for a new facility to be built in town so for now we have lost those events. Thankfully we have worked to move the U of M Wrestling event and Northern Plains to the Civic Center. We have added three new baseball tournaments to the event schedule which will be nice.
    • Linsy: We are half way done with the volleyball season – we host 12 JO tournaments in total. Right now, room nights are coming in around the projections which is very nice to see. We have been working to find gate workers for the Kokoro tournaments which has been a struggle. We have started to create a new worker list as our other one is outdated – this is ongoing. Matt and I have also completed pulling all the items needed for the Audit which will be happening in two weeks.
    • Gibson: Working on Basketball, Baseball and Wrestling coming up – spoke with Tom Kuisle for Folkstyle wrestling which we are thankful is staying in Rochester. Also working on obtaining comp rooms for the RCYBA tournaments. Working on expanding the Disc Golf tournament in spring.
    • Muellner: Asked how the hotel tracking works. Matt: Anytime there is an event we put a lead out through the partner extranet that gets sent out to the hotels. The hotels that respond that want to participate will then be listed on our tournament website with their specific event rate. We then give that hotel listing to the event owners and have them send it out to their registered teams. After the event the hotels report the rooms for the event and then the rebate is then given to the event owners to help manage event expenses.

  1. Old Business:
    • Banquet Auction: Behrens mentioned they had a meeting to discuss next year. They plan to keep the same process in place with having moved the auction online and doing a live auction during the event.
    • PR Committee: Macken: We have been running IHeart Radio ads. Have discussed working on getting google analytics for the website. We have posted a few articles in the Post Bulletin for when big upcoming events are coming up and will continue to do that. The idea of having QR Codes at events that bring spectators to our website was also discussed.

  1. New Business
    • Matt has been working with Ed and a City Administrator to discuss the need of sports facility in Rochester right now. Matt put together the current needs – which was an indoor facility with a few outdoor spaces surrounding it. This was brought to City Counsel – there was a positive response backs from the city – this is still in the very beginning stages of discussion and we don’t know where it will lead too but we are hopeful.
    • Board Member Request: From Paul Barbrow from the Kahler. Usually, we review board member requests in September and bring them on in January. We have not accepted people in the middle of the year before and will review this idea.

  1. Adjournment- The meeting was adjourned by Behrens at 8:50am.